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Short Biography -Tommy Suharto

5:15 PM Posted by Tsanind09

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Tommy Soeharto is the youngest son of former President Soeharto. Men born 15 July 1962 is married to Ardhia Pramesti Regita Cahyani Soerjosoebandoro or procedure in 1997. Of marriage, they have two children, namely Dharma Mangkuluhur Hutomo and Radhyana Gayanti Hutami.

Men are born with the name of this Hutomo Mandala Putra was sentenced in 2002 to start in 2006, as the case of the murder of Judge Syafiuddin Kartasasmita Court on 26 July 2001, and has a firearm and ammunition, and deliberately fled.

Tommy arrested in November 2001 and serve a sentence since 16 August 2002. Before moved to LP Cipinang drug addict on 3 April 2006, Tommy is in Batu LP, Nusakambangan.

In June 2005, the Supreme Court commute Tommy's 15 years to 10 years. Since convicted in 2002 until November 2005, Tommy has also Remisi get as many as six times, that if ditotal amounted to 20 months, including five months Remisi warning on the Independence of Indonesia and 6 on sunday Idul Fitri celebration in 2006. With the discount that, Tommy should free in 2011, out of prison in October 2008. Tommy conditional release on 30 October 2006 and are required to follow the supervision and guidance in the Central Pemasyarakatan Salemba punishment until the end.

On 8 March 2007, Tommy asks for cassation to the Supreme Court in regard to criticism posted divorce his wife. Tommy also wanted the right foster children fell in the second himself.

To this accusation, and divorce cases, child rights asuk still not resolved between the Administration and Tommy married in 1997 in a wedding reception in the magnificent and luxurious Pendopo Court Sasono Utomo, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), on April 30, 1997.

Tommy efforts in getting the right care to meet their child's second-go, because on 5 May 2008 through the Supreme Court again rejected the cassation submitted by Tommy.

Not long to hear people say, in February 2009 that Tommy dikabarkan close to the model as well as actress, Catherine Wilson took this name in the trail enmity two beautiful artist, Andi Soraya and Catherine Wilson.


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