More details on Who actually Ashanty
10:38 AM Posted by Rikalu09
Beginning introduction fifth child of five children into the world entertaimen this is by following a few contests such as the selection model of adolescent and Abang-None Jakarta. From there then the various bid advertisements and models over the Paramadina University alumni.
Beautiful Paras became the icon "Chat & Date", which often appear in one of the private television. And if you remember his hit single, entitled Green Leaf Always Right, Ashanty who became his model.
World music is not new for the Bachelor of Social this. Because before rumors circulated about her duet with Anand, Ashanty never released a solo album debut.
It turned out that the single received a warm welcome from the audience of country music. Ashanty debut album came out around January 2009, and many have the support of several renowned musicians such as Bebi Romeo, Tohpati, Glenn Fredly, Dewiq and much more.
Success with his first single, Ashanty then launched his second single titled In the past, which is the work of Dewiq. Thanks to this song Ashanty name can be circulated on radio stations or private TV stations in Indonesia.
Ashanty also often wara-Wiri to fill the Water Off events in various cities in Indonesia such as Yogyakarta, Semarang, Bali, Padang, Surabaya, Kendari, Nanggroe Aceh, Solo, a new week and other cities.
Currently third single Ashanty already played in several radio Indonesia and penggararapan video clip for the third single, entitled True Lies Demi's creation will also be released soon.
With considerable experience, may be interested to make friends Anand duet on the upcoming album.
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