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Tommy Suharto's ready to reconcile Keket and Andi Soraya

6:01 AM Posted by Tsanind09

seputar artis Catherine wilson dan Andi sorayaBeautifull Indonesian artist Catherine Wilson request peace with Andi Soraya. Initiated this peace because Keket not want to extend themselves that are the problem itself is detrimental. Even been called, the name of Tommy Soeharto ready to reconcile the two. Really?

"Wah, please only if Mas Tommy would like to reconcile that. Just oke," said Keket, when found in Mapolda Metro Jaya, Monday (13 / 4).

Keket really do not want to prolong this issue. For him, that peace must be rather more favor berantem and hostile. "I do's always like I hit the roof, free peace-peace aja. If for example I want peace, open it," specifically. Seputar artis indonesia sexy

"Peace is more comfortable, and more delicious," Keket supplement the line pattern shirt and a black and white pants.

Keket said so far is that there is no effort made to make peace with Andi Soraya. This is due Keket not know with Andi. He also does not claim to have the phone numbers of Andi. There are plans to meet Andi?

"Is free, who do not want the bersilaturahmi, I want," he said. Asked if there are constraints to meet Andi, Keket back to the reason for the call can not meet the first investigators Polda Metro Jaya.

Then why Keket I tried to find phone numbers Andi? "Because here I mengklarifikasi, because I am not wrong," Keket firm.


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